Raising the Bar for Workplace Conduct

For: All Employees | 1.25 Hours

This training includes two components, both of which are essential to creating a respectful, inclusive work environment for employees

Respectful Workplace Conduct:

Goes beyond what is legal versus illegal to review the boundaries of respectful workplace conduct.

Explores the role of respect in creating an inclusive workplace. A respectful workplace is one in which all employees feel comfortable bringing their best selves and best contributions to the workplace.

Teaches employees a “red light, yellow light, green light” framework, which is a tool for expressing discomfort with coworker conduct. This tool helps employees learn to express their comfort or discomfort about certain conduct (for example, an inappropriate nickname or comment) to co-workers in a safe, respectful way.

Includes a framework for handling mistakes and using them to build trust and respect in the workplace.

Explores two common “derailers” – things that derail efforts to create a respectful workplace — workplace gossip and ignoring mistakes, as well as strategies for reducing the impact of these derailers.

Respectful Workplace Conduct:

Unaddressed unconscious bias can derail even the best efforts to create a respectful and inclusive workplace.  This segment of the training addresses unconscious bias from the employee perspective, exploring the concept of unconscious bias, the science behind it, and how it can impact employees’ interactions with each other in the workplace.  Strategies are identified to reduce the impact of inaccurate unconscious biases to help create a more inclusive workplace.


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