Dynamic Powerpoint Presentations

For: All Employees | 2 Hours

Microsoft Powerpoint can be a powerful tool for communicating your ideas. But if you’re like most people, you know that making a beautiful, engaging presentation that stands out from all the rest can be quite a challenge.

Powerpoint should be a useful part of any professional’s communication skills, but most presenters barely scratch the surface of its powerful set of features. In this 2-hour workshop you will learn not only how to design and edit Powerpoint slides, but how to add some bells and whistles that can take your presentation from good to great!

Learning Objectives: 

PowerPoint Presentation Best Practices

Font, Color, Chart and Animation Usage

Pace, Time per Slide, Lines per slide

When to Use and When to Avoid PPT

Tactical Use of Animation Options

Insertion of Video and Audio

Web Delivery Best Practices

Web Delivery Tips – Laptop, Backgrounds, Skype vs. Web Ex, etc.


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